Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution (2024)

Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution (1)

New Zealand's space sector has been developing rapidly since the first rocket lifted off in 2017. It now contributes about NZ$1.7 billion in revenue, with plans to grow to $10 billion by 2030.

Last year, New Zealand hosted seven rocket launches, all by the US-listed but local company Rocket Lab. It was in response to Rocket Lab's initial proposal for a launch site that New Zealand developed a regulatory system from scratch in less than two years to meet obligations under international law.

All launch nations have to register every object they send into space, and continue to supervise those objects to ensure no damage or loss occurs to another country's objects or activities. They also have a responsibility to compensate for any harm.

As well, countries must prevent contamination of outer space and Earth's environment, and ensure space activity does not interfere with other countries' rights to free access and participation.

A 2020 review of New Zealand's space legislation found the regulatory regime was by and large fit for purpose. But it raised substantive concerns about the regulation of new technologies, including satellite constellations and miniature satellites.

The recommendations prompted broader consultation on New Zealand's space policy and aerospace strategy. This saw a backlash against the absence of Māori voices on the particular concern of light pollution from space.

The commercialization of space

A 2019 report found New Zealand's space industry is driven almost entirely by commercial activity, characterized by a mix of startups and entrepreneur-run, privately-funded companies.

The country's space legislation is well suited to developing a space industry quickly, in particular the commercial and entrepreneurial sector.

However, awareness is growing of the impact of light pollution on Earth's environment and ecosystem, human health and astronomy.

While urbanization and indiscriminate use of artificial light are among the culprits, activities in space are another significant source of light pollution.

With every satellite placed into orbit, its reflective surface increases the ambient glow of the night sky. By 2021, human activity in outer space had resulted in a 10% increase in the brightness of the night sky compared to the illumination by natural sources.

While the space law review was more narrowly focused on satellite constellations and the associated light pollution, all satellites are part of what is a cumulative problem: individual countries, acting independently, collectively contribute to worsening light pollution.

New Zealand's dark skies

The big concern is that light pollution interferes with the interests of other countries trying to study outer space. Increased pollution is obscuring observational astronomy and littering data with artificial shimmers and streaks of light.

Rising glow in the night sky is of particular concern for Māori and other Indigenous communities whose knowledge systems rely on unaided visual access to the stars.

With 14 astronomical observatories and seven "dark sky sites" recognized by Dark-Sky International, New Zealand has a national interest in addressing regulation and mitigation of light pollution.

The country's bicultural foundation is protected under Treaty of Waitangi obligations. It recognizes the unique relationship Māori have with the night sky and the mātauranga (knowledge) contained within it.

The rising of Matariki, the cluster of stars also known as Pleiades, has been celebrated as a public holiday since 2022 in recognition of the event's importance to Māori and the nation.

Regulation must address light pollution

As a launch state, New Zealand must have due regard to the interests of other states to participate in the exploration of outer space, regardless of economic or scientific advancement.

While New Zealand is a relatively new launch nation, it is a desirable destination. How New Zealand approaches the licensing of satellites may help guide binding behaviors developing in international law.

There is a tension between the national interest in maintaining dark skies and the economic value of the space industry. Being over-prescriptive with licensing requirements will inevitably deter potential companies from launching from New Zealand.

The flip side is that without some requirement for companies to address how their satellites are contributing to light pollution, there is no market force driving innovation in this area.

There have been some attempts by private commercial actors to mitigate the impact of their satellites. But these attempts have remained largely underdeveloped. Efforts by SpaceX to reduce the impacts of its mega constellations have proven ineffective.

The nature of the new space age, launched by a 2004 competition to help jump-start private spaceflight, ensures private companies are more motivated to develop technology to reduce costs in the long run. Without a strong shift in the regulatory environment, there is no real drive for investment in technologies to mitigate light pollution.

As New Zealand continues to develop a regulatory framework, the issue of light pollution has to be taken seriously. And Indigenous voices are important, because traditional astronomical knowledge is fundamental to the reclamation and continuation of Indigenous knowledge.

Provided byThe Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution (2)

Citation:Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution (2024, August 15)retrieved 18 August 2024from

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Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution (2024)


Satellites are making the night sky brighter—as a launch site, NZ has a duty to combat light pollution? ›

New Zealand's dark skies

Do satellites contribute to light pollution? ›

Artificial satellites around the Earth are a new form of light pollution. Those on low-earth orbits can be especially bright. Companies plan to launch tens of thousands of such satellites, and our view of the night sky, constellations and the Milky Way may be entirely lost.

Is the Dark sky movement a campaign to reduce light pollution? ›

The Dark-Sky movement is a global campaign focused on educating the public about this form of pollution. Each year, dark-sky advocates coordinate events and campaigns to emphasize the importance of reducing light pollution, and the benefits such actions will have for both people and planet.

Is Starlink causing light pollution? ›

Satellites in low Earth orbit, including Starlink, also cause radio interference with sensitive astronomical instruments. But it is their contribution to the artificial brightness of the night sky (“skyglow”) – adding to light pollution from the illumination of the world's cities – that has astronomers most worried.

Are satellites in space bad for the environment? ›

According to data from the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, 2023 was a record year for launching satellites, probes, landers and more into space. But scientists worry those plumes of exhaust trailing behind rockets could be scattering harmful pollutants into the pristine upper layers of the atmosphere.

Do satellites pollute the atmosphere? ›

Recent studies highlight growing concerns over the rising concentrations of metal particles and gases from satellites that can linger in the stratosphere for years, potentially catalyzing the destruction of ozone.

Did the night sky used to be brighter? ›

Based on observations from over 50,000 citizen scientists worldwide who compared their view of the stars to maps of starry skies showing different levels of light pollution, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences physicist Christopher Kyba and colleagues found that the night sky has brightened by roughly 7 to 10 ...

Can you block light pollution? ›

Dimmers, motion sensors, and timers can help to reduce average illumination levels and save even more energy. Outdoor lighting fixtures that shield the light source to minimize glare and light trespass help prevent light pollution.

Who is trying to stop light pollution? ›

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is the recognized authority on light pollution and is the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide.

Is Starlink safer than 5G? ›

5G provides more built-in security features. When it comes to security features, both networks offer options. 5G uses end-to-end encryption, while Starlink relies on users having a secure VPN or proxy server to route traffic. Both provide similar intrusion-prevention capabilities.

Why do people not like Starlink? ›

Probably the most interesting complaint about Starlink is the unpredictability of IP addresses and location identification. Customer's are not identified by their own receiver location, but by the location of the ground station where the signal from the constellation lands.

Why are people against Starlink? ›

The size and scale of the Starlink project concerns astronomers, who fear that the bright, orbiting objects will interfere with observations of the universe, as well as spaceflight safety experts who now see Starlink as the number one source of collision hazard in Earth's orbit.

What is the major contributor to light pollution? ›

The primary cause of light pollution is outdoor lights that emit light upwards or sideways.

Does space junk reflect light? ›

But these fragments, too, reflect sunlight, albeit only a tiny amount each, so their accumulated light increases the overall brightness of the night sky.

Which parts of the world have the biggest issue with light pollution? ›

Vast areas of North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia are glowing with light, while only the most remote regions on Earth (Siberia, the Sahara, and the Amazon) are in total darkness. Some of the most light-polluted countries in the world are Singapore, Qatar, and Kuwait.

What do satellites do for the environment? ›

Satellites can tell us about sea surface temperatures, the health of coral reefs, the migration patterns of whales, how sea ice is changing, and more.

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